To our generous sponsors and loyal attendees of our charity dinners:

Hoping this message finds you well and reunited with your loved ones at this most trying moment, keeping up the morale and good spirit. And, given the evolving and difficult circumstances we are living, due to Covid-19 and its direct impact on many and different aspects of our lives; we wish to keep you and the communities we serve, informed on the status of the activities supported by Femmes Developpement, a.s.b.l.

First Bi-annual Trip to Rwanda: It took place, from 23 February to 9 March, before Rwanda’s closure of airports and borders, on 18 March, to protect themselves from Covid-19.
The timing of our visit allowed us to follow-up on our ongoing projects:
Microfinancing, 3,650 loans, with continuous and punctual payments.
The school in Nyanza, with 2000 students.
The Centre de Santé, equipped with 60 beds and emergency unit with an average medical response of 300 emergency care cases per day. The latter, managed by its sanitary personnel of 12 nurses and auxiliary personnel, plus one visiting doctor.
Our latest challenge, a seven-hectare piece of land; acquired with the association’s funding, to cultivate cassava, an important staple in the basic dietary needs of the communities we protect.

At this moment, and considering that in the charity association environment, the average life of a charity organization is of only two or three years, at most; we thank you with all our hearts for these successful 15 years of Femmes Developpement, a.s.b.l. Please know that all our efforts and abovementioned projects would NOT have been possible without your generous and continuous support.

Lastly, we wish to inform you that, the association’s ONLY fundraising event, the charity dinner, on its 15th edition, is tentatively scheduled for 15.10.2020. With faith that we may continue to keep the good work of the association, let’s Save the Date for these cause-worthy projects that brighten-up and touch the lives of so many.

With much gratitude and sincere affection,

Abbe Pierre Habarurema and Luisella Moreschi

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